Mountain Top Ministries
Images of Renée Branson, Live Life Free!
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What Limits
Your Freedom Today?

Everyone faces limitations and challenges to living a life of true freedom, but you can Live Life FREE in every area of your life!  You may be facing challenges in life that make you feel confined, controlled or even owned by unseen forces such as fear, debt, strongholds, pleasure, love of money, possessions, greed, your profession – even your ministry!  What starts out in life as a simple attraction, may lead to habitual, limiting behaviors that can even become enslaving.

Limitations begin to occur when you place things that bring pleasure or delight above your desire for your Creator. God made you to be fulfilled through close relationship and fellowship with Him.

You know you face limitations when you are never truly satisfied, but instead experience an insatiable, constant desire for more of the things you crave. You know you are seriously limited when an unknown compelling or driving force takes over and begins to control your thoughts, motives, actions, finances, and relationships. Only God can truly set you free to be all He has created you to be.

  • This book will minister to your deepest needs and instruct you how to fight the good fight of faith to overcome your limitations.
  • Inside these pages are five basic steps designed to bring complete freedom and restoration to every area of your life— spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and relationally.
  • This revelation is about God’s truth, love, and grace that is extended to you through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.
  • There are Questions and Answers at the end of each section to help you take immediate action toward transformation.

As you read this book, allow the Holy Spirit to shift and change you from glory to glory, into the image of the God who created you to Live Life FREE!



Mountain Top Ministries

Throughout the book Renée shares direct revelations and inspirations she has received from God through the Holy Spirit during her times of study and teaching that will inspire and ignite your faith to believe change is not only possible, but attainable. You CAN Live Life FREE!

Live Life Free! book

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I'm glad to be able to send
you the first chapter of your
personal journey today

I'm glad to be able to send
you the first chapter for your
new journey today

Renée Branson

Mountain Top Ministries

Renée Branson is the founder and director of Mountain Top Ministries, a worldwide outreach in Houston, Texas since 1989. Employed by Lakewood Church for over 40 years Renée has served in various capacities as an ordained minister, pastor’s secretary, missions coordinator, pastoral care minister, disaster response coordinator, donor relations coordinator, and executive assistant in Joel Osteen Ministries community outreach, office of special projects at Lakewood Church. She currently serves as a pastoral assistant and writer.

Renée has traveled in over 30 countries in Europe, the Far East, India, Africa, the Arctic, Central and South America and various Islands as a prophetic teacher of the Word of God. An honors graduate of The University of Texas in Austin, she has studied Spanish and French and ministers in both languages.

A woman of compassion, Renée’s greatest joy is to see people of all ages live victoriously by becoming firmly established in the Word of God, and fulfilling the call of God upon their lives as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. She not only loves to teach the Bible, especially the full Gospel message, but she loves to watch as God confirms His Word with signs, miracles and wonders.

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About Mountain Top Ministries

Mountain Top Ministries is a 501(C)(3), non-profit corporation, and world outreach in Houston, Texas. The ministry was birthed in early 1989 with the desire to reach out to the multitudes in the valley of decision and bring them to a victorious mountain top walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mountain Top Ministries offers support for ministries such as providing CD’s, literature, clothing, Bibles, and funding for food programs, various home and foreign missions projects, and missionaries.

Mountain Top Ministries is actively involved in teaching and preaching the Word of God in churches, home groups, Bible schools, missions, retreats, and participating in other Christian activities in the State of Texas, across the United States, and in foreign countries.

Our goal is to stay open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to minister the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through every available means as God directs.